Evidence-based smoking cessation tools for your workplace
In 2017-2018, researchers found that nearly one in seven Australian adults smoked tobacco on a daily basis1 despite the well-documented personal and workplace benefits of going smoke-free2. Based on these findings and benefits, we’ve developed a low-cost program to help your staff and their loved ones quit smoking for life.
'Help to Quit' kits condense medically accurate and evidence-based practice to help your employees create their own tailored quit plan. By taking a step by step approach to building their own quit plan, your employees get to understand their personal reasons for smoking, what it takes to quit and how to develop a TEAM-based method (TELL, EXPLAIN, ASK, MANAGE) that is specific to them and their lifestyle. 'Help to Quit' kits encourages anyone attempting to quit to engage with their GP. Quitting smoking can be very challenging, but support from a GP – which can include medicine, counselling, and other tools – can improve your employees' chance of success.
The Help to Quit kits comes with a free launch pack to run a highly visible quit campaign at your workplace year-round.
Significant financial incentives for tobacco cessation in the workplace exist. Research suggests that lost productivity resulting from smoking can cost employers up to $157,000 over the working lifetime of a smoking employee4. Many benefits to providing a smoke-free workplace can be found 5,6